For any Entrepreneur, Solopreneur, or small business owner, your mind will never be far from new ways to grow your email list. Any marketer knows that the size of your list is a key metric, shortly followed by your open rate of course.

Today as consumers we are increasingly asked for our email addresses, so we know how our own potential customers feel when we are asking for theirs. This makes it all the more important to stand out from the crowd and demonstrate the value you have to offer.

The bottom line is that you need to show people why they should give their emails address to you. With a quiz built in Try Interact you are able to tick that value box by giving people detailed and useful results for their quiz score.

For example, if you haven’t seen our first Try Interact quiz – Are you at high risk of burnout? then take a look here. After taking the quiz, you are presented with a results page that offers advice related to your score. There is also a ‘call to action’ button which redirects you to more of my free resources for dealing with burnout and stress.

So how could you use this in your own business?

I would suggest building a quiz that closely relates to your niche, so that the advice you offer on the results page really demonstrates your value and expertise. You can also use the ‘call to action’ button to direct people to your own resources on your website.

Would you like to give this a go? Sarah from my marketing team has recorded a walk-through tutorial to show you how we easily built our quizzes in the Try Interact dashboard, step by step.

You can sign up for a Try Interact account here, then follow the steps in the video below.

Of course, once you have your new quiz, don’t forget to share it everywhere. Then once you have new leads on your email list, keep sending them your value-packed content and show them what you have to offer!