A live discussion with Jonathan Stark, author of Hourly Billing is Nuts.
Together we explore how you can ditch hourly billing and shift into value based pricing for your services and courses. Getting paid for the value you deliver is a crucial shift in your mindset and I’m grateful that Jonathan will help you make it!
Top 10 Traits of Highly Resilient People | Ask the Author Eric Gerson, is almost the perfect embodiment of flexibility and adaptability. His rock-solid faith in himself, complete refusal to dwell on the past or the future, and strong awareness of what his heart was...
Top 10 Traits of Resilience | Ask the Author Have you ever felt the need to hide or even deny your spiritual ‘woo woo’ side? Many of us learnt to as children, as perhaps our families and friends, maybe even our school teachers, would tell us we were...